26 Mar 2015

Etymology of The Days And Months

Etymology of The Days

Monday                     :  It is the abbreviation form of moon-day.
Tuesday                    :  Both Romans & Anglo-Saxons dedicated this day to the god of war.
Wednesday               :  It is derived from Anglo-Saxons chief god woden.
Thursday                   :  It is derived from Thore the god of thunder.
Friday                        :  It is derived from Friga the goddess of married love.
Saturday                    :  It is a shortened form of Saturn’s day.
Sunday                       :  Day devoted for the worship of sun.

Etymology of The Months

January                       :    Named after god Janus.
February                     :    Named after Februalia.
March                         :     Derived from Mars (the god of war).
April                            :     Derived from the Latin word Aperire meaning buds.
May                            :     Named after Maria (goddess of growth of plants).
June                            :     Taken from Latin word Juvenis (Youth).
July                             :     Named after Julius Caesar.
August                        :      Named after Augustus (First Roman Emperor).
September                  :     Adopted from Latin word Septem (Seven).
October                      :     Derived from Latin word Octo (eight).
November                  :     Adopted from Latin word Novem (Nine).
December                  :      Derived from Latin word Decem (Ten).

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