26 Mar 2015

Major World Religions

Major World Religions
Presently, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism are the leading religions of the world.

1.                Christianity

Christianity is the religious faith which is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. After the death of Jesus. Christianity spread slowly as it had to face stiff opposition from the Romans. However, in 313, Emperor Constantine decreed toleration for Christianity. Consequently, by the end of the century, this religion became the official faith of the empire. Around 1054, Christianity divided into two factions: the Orthodox Church and the Western Church. In the 16th century, a religious movement called Reformation resulted in the establishment of Protestantism as a reformed shape of Roman Catholic Church. Later on, European colonial expansion carried Christianity to every nook and corner of Asia, Africa, Oceania, North America and South America. The belief of the Christians is based on New Testament. Its central doctrines are the Trinity, Incarnation of Christ and the Resurrection. By the number of its adherers, Christianity is currently the leading religion of the world.

2.                Islam

Islam is the second largest religion of the world. It originated in the 7th century with the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The teachings of Islam are based on the Holy Quran (revealed by God) and the traditions. The Muslim believe in the oneness of God and that Muhammad (PBUH) is His Prophet. They offer prayers, observe fasting, pay Zakat, perform pilgrimage to Makkah (Hajj) and take part in Holy War (Jehad). There are two important sects of Islam namely Sunnites and Shiites. Currently, there are more than 60 Muslim countries in the world.

3.                Hinduism

Hinduism is not a religion with a formal creed but the complex result of 5,000 years of continuous cultural development. The scriptures of Hinduism include four Vedas, Rigveda1, Samaveda, Yajurveda and Athervaveda. Hinduism is polytheistic and recognizes thousands of Gods and deities like Brahma, Vishnu, Siva and Durga (Kali). Hindus worship cow and believe in reincarnation.

4.                   Buddhism

Buddhism is a non-theistic religion. It was founded by Gautama Buddha in the 6th century B.C, in reaction to Brahmanical despotism and rigidity of the caste system. Buddhism seeks to emulate Buddha’s example of perfect morality, wisdom and compassion culminating in a transformation of consciousness known as enlightenment. The central beliefs of Buddhism are based on “Four Noble Truths”. By 700 A.D, Buddhism had spread to China, Japan, Tibet, Korea and Sri Lanka. However, it lost its following in India, the place of its origin.

5.                   Judaism

Judaism developed among the wandering tribes of Hebrews, Israelites and Jews which flourished three millenniums before Christ. Abraham is the traditional patriarch of the Jewish people. Later on, Moses received God Commandments at Mount Sinai, collectively known as “Turait”. The Judaism reached its height of glory and power under Kings David and Solomon. Turait is the sacred text of Jews. Jews believe in single eternal and invisible God Who created the world. There are three main sects of modern Judaism viz. Orthodox Judaism, Reform Judaism and Conservative Judaism. Majority of the Jews lives in USA and Israel.
1Rigveda, the religious book of Hindus is the earliest religious book of the world. It was compiled around 1500 B.C.

Religious Population of the World (2010)
2.1 billion
1.5 billion
900 million
376 million
23 million
14 million

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